Chemicals - Problem Solvers
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Shock N Clear is used to remove swimmer wastes and destroy any organic contaminants in the water. Regular oxidation will keep the water crystal clear. Shock N Clear is designed for fresh and salt water pools and is a blend of stabilised chlorine and selected clarifiers which is applied through the skimmer box.
Size: 500g (will treat 50,000l of water) Focus Blackspot Granular is designed to treat even the worst case of Black Spot in white plaster, tiled or pebblecrete pools. Easy to use and incredibly strong, the granules are applied directly to the affected area to treat not only the Spots you see but also the roots that are deep down into the wall to prevent a re-occurrence.
Size: 1kg WaterPolishPlus is a concentrated formula clarifier that combines small particles together for collection by the filter media to restore the sparkle to water.
Bling Clarifying Tablets are a rapidly dissolving, single dose, polymetric clarifier that can be placed directly into the skimmer basket.
Size: 60g tablet |
Focus Powercide 4 is a 4-in-1 treatment for the removal of Black Spot algae, clean-up of Green and Mustard algae, prevention of Green algae and for winterising. Does contain an Organocopper Complex.
Size: 1lt, 5lt Focus Phix is a compressed tablet of dry acid and clarifiers to safely and easily maintain your pH. Just drop into the skimmer.
Size: 500g tablet Quickfloc is a concentrated formula used to collect small particles and drop them to the floor for vacuuming to waste. This is the best way to treat a very dirty/algae infested pool BEFORE chlorinating.
Size: 1lt Focus Liquid Chlorine is used as a daily sanitiser or in large quantities to oxidise (please speak to the staff at Creative Pools for your best options).
Size: 15lt (plus drum deposit or exchange) |
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